
Funds for this grant have been fully 消耗. If you are a student and are seeking emergency assistance, please contact studentsuccess@vbl-design.com.


火博体育官网和美国.S. Department 的教育 (through the Coronavirus Aid, 救济和经济安全(关怀)法案)联合起来帮助满足我们的需求 students 在这艰难的时刻.


我们提供了两项具体的举措来帮助我们的学生:直接向学生提供资助 还有重修课程的学分. All funds for the CARES Act Emergency Grant have been 消耗.




冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全(关怀)法案规定了高等教育 紧急救济基金.  科林大学 has now received two different grants 截至2021年4月.


Round 1 (的se funds have all been awarded)


我们很高兴分享有关关怀法案学生助学金的细节,火博体育官网 管理.  科林大学 has signed and submitted a Certification and Agreement with the Department 的教育 to accept CARES Act funding.  总奖项为 最初的奖金为10,790,912美元,将提供不少于50%的资金 directly to students in the form of emergency grants.


截至2020年9月1日,火博体育官网已向6,745名学生提供了5,395,456美元的奖励 were enrolled in the Spring 2020 semester. We estimate that approximately 15,500 students could have been eligible to receive the grant.


火博体育官网采取了分两阶段向学生发放资金的方法.  的 第一阶段的结果是自动奖励给我们最需要帮助的学生 by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  每个学生都有一个期望 family contribution of $16,000 and less received a grant of $800.


第二阶段允许任何符合条件的学生通过申请剩余的资金 内部申请流程.  的 application was located in CougarWeb Financial Aid by selecting the "Emergency Grant Assistance" menu item.  FAFSA的完成 was a requirement of the application.


Students were able to receive up to $800 in emergency grant funds. 这些资金 不是自动授予,而是由已成立的委员会审查 to review all CARES Act emergency grant requests.


以下信息提供给所有可能有潜在的学生 been eligible for the emergency grant funds:

火博体育官网直接从该部获得了紧急补助金援助资金 的教育. 的 Emergency Grant Assistance funds will be used to help students who have been financially impacted by COVID-19. We encourage students who are in need to complete an application for the Emergency Grant Assistance. 获批准的申请人 在这段困难时期,你会得到生活费的援助吗. 你必须 be a student in the current Spring semester in order to apply.


要完成申请,请登录CougarWeb并点击“我的财务” Aid” under the Student QuickLinks. Once you are in the Financial Aid section, select “Emergency Grant Assistance” and answer the five questions. 确保你点击了 the submit button to send the application.


紧急补助金不需要偿还,旨在支持我们的学生 在这艰难的时刻. Approved applications will be awarded in the order they are received while funding lasts, so apply now.  Notification of awards will be sent to your 科林大学 email account.


Round 2 (的se funds have all been awarded)


火博体育官网获得了第二笔高等教育紧急救济基金赠款 the Cares Act during the spring of 2021.  A total of $5,395,456 (the same amount as 在2020年春季提供给我们的是2021年春季吗.


截至2021年5月3日,火博体育官网已向10,410名学生提供了5,395,456美元的奖励 enrolled in the Spring 2021 semester.  We estimate that approximately 15,000 students 可能有资格获得资助,但我们无法核实他们的 国籍.


第二轮资金将自动颁发给完成免费申请的学生 申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).  的 only criteria for the grant was that a student 在春季学期注册,并且是公民或符合条件的非公民 as defined by the Department 的教育.


的 grants were given in a tiered approach.  Students with an EFC over $16,000 were 获得250美元.  学生EFC为 $16,000 or below were given $800 if enrolled full time, $400 if in 6 – 11 hours and $250 if less 6小时以上.


以下信息被发送给学生,以鼓励他们完成免费 application for federal student aid.


火博体育官网获得了第二笔高等教育紧急救济基金赠款 为学生.  At his time all you need to do is make sure you have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (www.fafsa.政府).  补助金将自动 根据FAFSA的数据,授予有资格获得奖学金的学生.


Round 3 (的se funds have all been awarded)


火博体育官网通过《火博体育官网》获得了第三笔高等教育救济补助金 at the end of the spring semester 2021. This funding has been set aside 为学生 attending in the summer of 2021, fall of 2021 and spring of 2022.


截至2021年12月31日,共有4,440名学生获得了2,349,300美元的奖学金 2021年夏季奖学金和10,016,750美元已颁发给10,480名2021年秋季学生. We 估计约有6,200名学生有资格获得夏季助学金,约有 15,500 students could be eligible for fall awards. For spring 2022, a total of $9,077,735 has been awarded to 10,020 students. 的 entire grant amount of $21,443,785 has been 由第三轮派发.


在夏季,所有完成FAFSA的学生都会自动获得奖励 2020-2021年援助年度. Students who are not eligible to complete a FAFSA are 可以通过登录CougarWeb Financial Aid并点击提交申请 on Emergency Grant Summer or Emergency Grant 2021-22.


的 grants are to be awarded in a tiered approach. 有EFC的暑期学生结束了 16000美元的奖金是300美元. 学生EFC为 $16,000 or below were given $1,200 如果是全日制,6-11学时600美元,少于300美元 6小时以上.


在秋季和春季,所有完成学业的学生都会自动获得奖励 a FAFSA for the 2021-2022 aid year. Students who are not eligible to complete a FAFSA 可以通过登录CougarWeb Financial Aid并点击提交申请吗 on Emergency Grant Summer or Emergency Grant 2021-2022.


的 grants are to be awarded in a tiered approach. 有EFC的秋季学生结束 1.6万美元奖金250美元. 学生EFC为 $16,000 or below were given $1,500 如果是全日制,6-11学时800美元,少于250美元 6小时以上.


Spring students with an EFC over $16,000 were awarded $200. 学生EFC为 16000美元及以下的全日制学生可获得1500美元,6-11年级学生可获得700美元 hours and $200 if enrolled in less 6小时以上.


以下信息已发送给所有学生,以鼓励他们申请 for the direct to student grants for summer 2021.

火博体育官网以学生紧急助学金的形式获得了刺激资金 谁在夏季入学. 学生可以获得 this grant even if they are not able to receive other federal funding such as Pell 助学金及贷款.


Here is how you can receive grant funds for summer 2021:

1. 公民和永久居民应在www.fafsa网站上填写2020-2021年FAFSA.fafsa.政府. 截止日期是6月30日
2. 所有其他学生都可以填写我们的内部申请表格,但它不会 截止到7月1日. 以下是如何申请:
a. 登录CougarWeb
b. Under Student Quicklinks select "My Financial Aid"
c. 选择“紧急拨款2020-2021”,填写前三个问题. 点击 提交.

我们也会有秋季和春季的助学金,所以请确保你有 completed the 2021-2022 FAFSA as well.


以下信息已发送给所有学生,以鼓励他们申请 用于2021年秋季学期和2022年春季学期的直接学生助学金.


火博体育官网以学生紧急助学金的形式获得了刺激资金 who are enrolled in fall and spring of the 2021-2022 academic year. 学生可以获得 即使他们无法获得其他联邦基金,如佩尔,也可以获得这笔拨款 助学金及贷款.


Here is how you can receive grant funds for fall 2021 and spring 2022:
1. Citizens and Permanent Residents should complete the 2021-2022 FAFSA at www.fafsa.政府. 
2. ALL OTHER students can complete our internal application form. 以下是如何申请:
a. 登录CougarWeb
b. Under Student Quicklinks select "My Financial Aid"
c. 选择“紧急拨款2021-2022”并完成前三个问题. 点击 提交.

Withdrawal Course Tuition Credit


由于2020年春季的冠状病毒(COVID-19)大流行,所有火博体育官网的 academic course offerings were moved fully online.  This significant change to delivery 缺乏指导和突然改变校园运作可能会导致学生 choosing to withdraw from one or more courses.  的 Tuition Credit provided students 谁在2020年3月13日之后的春季学期退课了 for retaking the same course again with financial assistance.  信用证所涵盖 重修同一门课程的学费和学生活动费 要么在2020年夏季要么在2020年秋季.




作为关怀计划的一部分,火博体育官网获得了5 3954 456美元的机构资金 高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF), 18 430 645美元,作为CRRSSA的一部分 (HEERF II)和20,982,343美元作为ARPA (HEERF III)的一部分,总拨款为44,808,444美元.  根据教育部制定的报告要求, 下面的报告总结了火博体育官网迄今为止使用这些资金的情况.


的 reports are best viewed using Chrome.


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